The WELLFOOD ACTION project has been co-finance under the Targeted Call on EUSAIR, launched by the IPA CBC 2007-2013 Programme on February 2016.
The project is promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Macerata and involves 6 partners from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, including Marche Region – Environment and Agriculture Department.
The project intends to capitalize and extend lesson learnt, activities and results of the previous cooperation project WELLFOOD, co-financed under the 2nd call for proposal of the IPA Programme.
- improve micro companies and SMEs performance in the sustainable agro-food-tourist value chain, innovation capabilities and approaches for the integration of agri-food businesses in view of economic sustainable growth opportunities in the field of rural, traditional and food for wellbeing tourism
- develop and strength the existing WELLFOOD cluster, creating synergies among partners and projects tackling similar issues in order to enlarge methodologies to support the exchange of professionals and innovation in the agri-food sector and the transfer of the best practices derived from previous project to a broader public
- create awareness among general public on alternative and sustainable tourist offers and destinations, related to food and wellbeing
- foster the exchanges among experiences, activities and implement synergies within the projects realized in the framework of the Adriatic IPA CBC programme.
- shift towards a cultural change by promoting targeted raising awareness actions for schools and tourists/consumers.
In this framework, ASSAM is working to support Marche Region in implementing the technical activities at regional and cross-border level.
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