According the provisions of Legislative Decree n. 33 of 14/03/2013 “Reorganization of the discipline concerning the obligations for advertisement, transparency and diffusion of the information by the public administration " Assam aims at making its organization and institutional tasks transparent and its budgets, financial reports and performance assessments consistent with business planning.
The Italian version of this web site section illustrates the updated information to be publishes by law and than may be modified at any time.
Personal Data (*)
ASSAM processes personal data in full compliance with the Directive 2003/98/EC and the Italian Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (Italian Personal Data Protection Code) and subsequent amendments. ASSAM privacy policy has been drafted in accordance with the EU provisions for personal data protection. Personal data is acquired and processed by ASSAM exclusively for the purposes it had been collected under the terms of the personal data protection code (Legislative Decree 196/03).
(*)Pursuant to the act of the Italian Data Protection Authority "Guidelines on personal data subject to processing, applying also to administrative acts and documents, for transparent and promotional purposes on the web of public bodies and other obligated authorities".