Organization, management control and information systems

Organization, management control and information systems

- Directorate General -
Manager: Raffaella Coen

Telephone: +39 (0)71 808222
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Organisational Position “Organization, management control and information systems”, established by Decree of the General Director n. 120 of 05.05.2022 within the General Directorate, coordinates cross-section activities and supports the Directorate and the different ASSAM processes in terms of:

  • ASSAM organisation and management control, collaborating with the General Director in monitoring the administrative activity and in the continuous improvement of the ASSAM organisational performance;
  • It acts as "Supervisory connection of the instrumental bodies" and “Standing Technical Structure”, interacting with the regional functions and, if necessary, with the Independent Evaluation Body (OIV), for the performance cycle, the evaluation system and the internal controls;
  • Infra-annual monitoring and reporting of the managers and Organisational Positions’ assigned objectives also by defining the result indicators;
  • Setting up of the ASSAM planning documents (Integrated Activity and Organisation Plan - PIAO, Activities Programme and Budget, contribution to the Performance Plan);
  • Support to the A.S.S.A.M. Head of Corruption, Prevention and Trasparency (RPCT) in editing documents and data transfer to the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC);
  • Connection with the Digital Transition and IT Sector of the Marche Region as far as the regional IT services’ use;
  • Coordination of the digitalisation, development and management of applications for the agro-food sector and ASSAM, aiming also at the processes’ digitalisation and innovation;
  • Support to the innovation process through the "Innovamarche" platform;
  • Coordination of the institutional website updating also as far as the transparent administration section.





ASSAM Headquarter

ASSAM - Agency for Agro-food Sector Services of the Marche Region

Via Industria, 1 - 60027 Osimo Stazione (AN) - Italy
(+39) 071 8081
(+39) 071 85979
 Certified Email:

Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Tuesdays and Tuesdays: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

 VAT Registration Number 01491360424
 REA AN 148671

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