Manager: Ugo Testa
Telephone: +39 (0)71 808258
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Organizational Position “Innovation, dissemination and EU programmes implementation”, established by Decree of the General Director n. 120 of 05.05.2022, within the General Directorate, aims at the analysis and innovation needs detection of the Agro-food sector of the Marche Region also by means of participative and bottom up approaches. As Public Innovation Broker, within the "Innovamarche” project, the O.P. specific objectives are:
- Support the constitution of Operational Groups of the EIP Agri and advice those that have been funded under Measure 16.1 of the 2014 – 2020 Marche Region RDP;
- Setting up of thematic networks among the Operational Groups of the EIP AGRI of the different Italian regions to promote their results sharing and the dissemination of innovations;
- Trigger innovation pathways, by taking part in European Programmes (Horizon EU, Interreg, MED, etc.) through the scouting and participation in project proposals on the topics of interest (Green Deal, Farm to Fork, Blue growth). In addition, the O.P. is responsible for the funded innovation projects’ implementation;
- Promotion and implementation of innovation projects on social agriculture, as a tool to enhance the farms’ multifunctionality also in collaboration with other public institutions (Ministry of Justice, Marche Region, etc.);
- As regional Public Innovation Broker, it joins the ERIAFF network of European regions on innovation in agriculture and forestry.