Laboratory Analysis

Laboratory Analysis

Laboratory Analysis

CONTACTS: Laboratorio di Jesi - M.Carmen Di Giacomo
Telephone: +39 (0)71 808400 - (0)71 808422
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The A.S.S.A.M. laboratory of the Regional Agrochemical Centre of A.S.S.A.M. of Jesi, carries out microbiological, chemical-physical, microscopic, palynological and sensory analysis as well as contaminants surveys to support the agricultural, agrifood, livestock and agri-enviromental sectors. It aims at certifying products, processes and related quality labels and at typifying agro-food products.

Its main sectors of activity are (download factsheets):

  • Honey
  • Olive Oil
  • Soil
  • Milk
  • Water
  • Cereals
  • Microbiology
  • Mycotoxins
  • Vegetables and fruits


The analytical service aims to:

  • self-check on the client’s request and according to a special tool;
  • characterisation of product parameters of typical productions (i.e.. Melissopalynology on honey, chemical and sensory analysis on different matrices as honey, olive oils, cheese, wine, bread, cured meats, etc.....);








Sample submission is available only at the Regional Agrochemical Centre at Via Roncaglia 20 60035 Jesi.

Office opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8,00 a.m. - 1,00 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday: 2,00 - 4,00 p.m.

Outside the office hours, samples can be submitted on appointment. Their delivery can be made by express courier and post, upon previous arrangement with the technical staff.

SUBMISSION FORM to be filled in:

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pdf.png Modulo Consegna Campioni 2022-04-08 127.67 KB 9,932 Download

The sample collection and submission instructions, are drawn up according to fundamental specifications, rules and reference publications for proper sampling, preservation and representativeness of the sample portion in order to maintain their original features.:

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pdf.png Istruzioni per prelievo e consegna dei campioni ed informazioni al cliente 2021-02-09 141.34 KB 9,003 Download

The general terms and conditions define the contract between Centro Agrochimico Regionale ASSAM (CAR) and the customer:

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pdf.png Condizioni generali Ed.1 - Rev.2 2022-04-08 133.56 KB 2,351 Download







The Regional Agrochemical Centre fulfils all tasks according to art 7 of Regional Law n°37/99, on the services of genetic and functional improvement of dairy farmin.

As far as the Regional Law 33/2012, “Regional regulations on beekeeping” the Regional Agrochemical Centre, in collaboration with other ASSAM services provides for:

  1. techical advice and assistance;
  2. chemical-physical, microbiological, sensory and melissopalynological analysis of regional honey and beehive products;
  3. scientific knowledge transfer and survey on the quality of honey and of beehive products;
  4. scientific papers;
  5. technical refresher courses to beekeepers;
  6. promotion of regional honey and beehive products;


It is accredited by ACCREDIA (Italian Accreditation Body num. 1239) in compliance with the standard UNI CEI EN/ISO 17025 UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 for chemical-physical, microbiological and microscopic tests on water, milk, honey olive oil and other products for human and animal consumption, for microbiological environmental tests and for contaminants such as aflatoxins in milk and residual pesticides in some agro-food products (accredited tests).

It is enrolled in the regional list (position n° 30) of analysis laboratories for the self-check of agro food enterprises.

It is enrolled in the national list, acknowledged by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, of the laboratories entitled to issue official analysis certificates in the olive sector.

it is enrolled in the national list, acknowledged by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, of the tasting committees for the control and evaluation of the organoleptic properties of virgin olive oils.






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pdf.png Miele 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 103.5 KB 6,325 Download
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pdf.png Latte 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 78.84 KB 5,022 Download
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pdf.png Olio di oliva 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 103.74 KB 7,103 Download
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pdf.png Terreni 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 106.45 KB 7,737 Download
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pdf.png Acqua 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 75.28 KB 5,469 Download
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pdf.png Cereali e derivati 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 145.85 KB 5,056 Download
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pdf.png Microbiologia 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 158.77 KB 4,548 Download
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pdf.png Micotossine 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 436.7 KB 4,895 Download
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pdf.png Oli essenziali 2017-10-25 2019-07-17 141.82 KB 3,597 Download
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pdf.png Prodotti dell'alveare 2017-10-26 2019-07-17 300.45 KB 3,288 Download



ASSAM Headquarter

ASSAM - Agency for Agro-food Sector Services of the Marche Region

Via Industria, 1 - 60027 Osimo Stazione (AN) - Italy
(+39) 071 8081
(+39) 071 85979
 Certified Email:

Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Tuesdays and Tuesdays: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

 VAT Registration Number 01491360424
 REA AN 148671

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