
Fertilising, phytosanitary treatments, costs and issues of the 2016 organic strawberry project and 2015 final variety-data

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Aethina tumida Murray (Small Hive Beetle - SHB), belongs to the Nitidulidae family. In EU it is compulsory to notify it as beekeeping pest and to report its occurrence to the local veterinary services of the Regional Health System.

The suspected presence of Small Hive Beetle has to be reported to the local veterinary service as soon as possible. All SHB adults, larvae and eggs are required to be preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol and delivered to the authority in charge for its further identification.

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pdf.png Scheda informativa Aethina Tumida 2014-12-19 824.4 KB 3,510 Download

D.G.R. 1188/12 as amended.
Catalogue – Teachers list for farmers’ training courses – Rural Development Program- Measure 111, a). Sole Director Decree N. 137 03/10/2014.

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Through the years the A.S.S.A.M. apiculture research has been mainly concerning honeys of the Marche Region so to impressively improve their characterization and enhancement. 6 posters illustrate the melissopalinological and organoleptic features of different kinds of regional honeys (Acacia, Millefiori, Sunflower, Chestnut etc..).

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pdf.png Poster Mieli delle Marche 2014-01-29 2.11 MB 4,465 Download



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