ARIEL is a project co-funded in the framework of the 1st call of the INTERREGV B ADRION 2014-2020 cooperation program, priority 1 "Innovative and smart region". The project arises from the capitalization and extension of a network of public administrations and scientific institutions from 4 countries of the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion (Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece) operating in the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, key sectors of Blue Growth in the Adriatic-Ionian regions. The Marche Region – Fisheries Economy Unit is one of the 9 project partners. ARIEL, through an interactive and bottom-up approach to innovation that foresee the engagement of the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors stakeholders, promotes the identification, dissemination, and adoption of technological and non-technological solutions for innovation uptake of small-scale fishery and aquaculture in Adriatic-Ionian basin further to the setting up of an operational transnational network among the actors in the different EUSRAUIR regions. ARIEL therefore intends to accelerate the transfer of research-driven innovation facilitated by public authorities, supported by operators, and recognized by consumers through technical and institutional cooperation and regional and cross-border actions.
- CNR -IRBIM - National Research Council - The Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnology (Italy)
- Marche Region - Fisheries Economy Department (Italy)
- Sicilian Region - Mediterranean Fisheries Department - (Italy)
- Public Institution RERA SD for coordination and development of Split Dalmatia County (Croatia)
- IOF – Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia)
- IBMK - University of Montenegro – Institute for marine biology Kotor (Montenegro)
- MoArd – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Montenegro)
- Region of Wester Greece (Greece)
- HCMR- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Grecia)
ASSAM role: technical assistance to the Marche Region
Project duration: January 2018 – December 2020
Project total budget: € 1,249,234.46
Project website: